Sherry Edwards Art

Sherry Edwards is an artist, activist and educator living in Boston, MA. She exibits locally, nationally, and internationally.

In the 1970s and 80s, Sherry was co-owner of Plastic Image, a maker’s space and gallery specializing in electrographics. Plastic Image was open to the public and many artists used the equipment to create their work. The gallery exhibited work from local and national artists.

In the 80s, Sherry was art director at Gay Community News, a national weekly newspaper covering LGBTQ+ issues. In the 90s, Sherry was education and development coordinator at the Aids Action Committee, one of the leading AIDS organizations in the US. She was responsible for educational art installations for the AIDS Walk, which included recruiting more than 100 artists to create the installations for other AAC events.

In 1998, Sherry began a twenty-three year career teaching middle school art.

Sherry is recently retired and is devoting time to painting and drawing. Sherry’s current work deals with color, texture, and rhythm.


  • As the World Burns: Queer Photography and Nightlife in Boston. Group show, School of the Museum of Fine Arts. 

  • Oce Corporation, the Netherlands, group show.

  • Marshall University, Artist-in-Residence

  • Brockton Art Museum, group electrographics show

  • Gallery East, group show

  • Out of the Blue, several solo shows over two year period

  • Tempe University, group show

  • Plastic Image, solo and group shows


BA, Marshall University

MA, Goddard - Cambridge Graduate School for Social Change

Studied at MassArt